Tuesday 28 June 2011

Councillor Alan Melton and Dr Mike Heyworth - BBC Radio 4 - PM

The UK local Councillor from the swampy Fens who said that his council would be lifting the requirement for pre-development assessments and mitigating excavations by "bunny huggers and historic lefties" has just appeared on the BBC. The debate is now available on You Tube.

"Oi mayda speach, ... I just want ter geta debayt going" said the oikey ex-brickey councillor (who certainly did not present it at a developers' meeting in such a manner). This is juxtaposed by "The truth of the matter..." presented in a much more articulate manner by Mike Heyworth, director of the CBA.

Councillor Melton seems not to understand what the words "GPS" mean, or what Sarah Parcak's work in Egypt consisted of and what relevance it has to what he is discussing.

The fracas was mentioned in the Guardian.'Archaeologists furious over councillor's 'bunny huggers' jibe.

UPDATE 23 July 2011: I see ex-Brickie Melton's own gor-blimey style is absent from a recent statement issued by the Fenland local council http://www.fenland.gov.uk/article/3260/Leader-explains-stance-on-archaeology. It would seem they employed a ghost-writer for him to take back what he had earlier said. What a farce.


  1. Please don't refer to all Fenlanders as webbed toes inbreds. Some of use maintain a modicum of sense and are aghast at the terrible reality that barely anyone apart from farmers and the elderly vote here, meaning we get cunts like him in charge. He's more than an ex-brickie, he's got interests in aggregates, building forms and more, and his statement amounts to corruption and self-interest.He's just given the go-ahead to 1,000 homes in Chatteris, and this on a site of some interest. I shall be a lone picket.

  2. Sorry, I did have second thoughts on that bit, but got called away from the computer before I fixed it - gone now.

    I am sure there are many decent people in the Fens who are as appalled as the rest of us.

    I find no comfort in the fact that its not just in Poland that buffoons like that get into government.
