Sunday 3 June 2012

Focus on Metal Detecting: The Trolls are out Again

Since we are discussing "trolling" of Internet forums at the moment, what do we make of this  comment on Heritage Action's current one? A person calling themselves "Rodger Flanberry" responded to the post 'PAS says we're trolls!'.
The PAS is in my opinion the spawn of the devil. How can a goverment (sic) spend money on the destruction of the archaeological record and then watch as the whole thing crumbles apart as it actually promotes further destruction. British archaeology has a lot to answer for and the new archaeologists coming through the system are produced in a mould much different to the one that I was taught and that is for me, a major concern. The govement (sic) would be better off spending the £10m pa on buying metal detectors for Archaeologists (Would buy 2500 metal detectors by my reckoning) and beating the thieves to the loot and doing the job properly!!. Makes my blood boil to know that the uk's 'plunderfest' is state funded!!!
My guess is that there is no misspelling and numerically-challenged archaeological graduate called "Rodger Flanberry", and that the sender of this message was a chortling mischief maker attempting to provoke a reaction from the Heritage Action conservationists that he could then show to his mates at the next meeting of the "Thugville Seekers Artefact Retrieval Society" at the Pig and Crumpet or wherever it is he hangs out with his metal detecting buddies. This is the kind of time-wasting sniping metal detectorists in the UK engage in all the time when people are saying things about conservation, responsibility, accountability, transparency and ethics which they do not want to hear. If the PAS take up my challenge to open up the archives of their forum it will be seen that there is a consistent pattern of this kind of behaviour from this milieu. But for now you can see plenty of examples of it from other sock-puppets on "Heritage Journal". These are the people PAS calls its "partners".

If "Rodger Flanberry" (vel Roger, as he later corrected the spelling of his own name) really had an archaeological education, he would (should) know that there is - despite what the PAS are telling everybody - a good deal more to archaeology, and conservation of the archaeological record in particular, than just going out and finding "lots of (old) things" ("loot"). That's just pretend archaeology.


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