Tuesday 23 October 2012

The Valleys Bite Back

Among the members of the "Detecting Wales" forum, this blog clearly has a number of avid  readers. One of their posts currently begins:
"In one of Paul Barfords most recent articles,  Mr Barford starts off my ridiculing the valley's and pretty much anyone else that has picked up a metal detector"...
starts a post by "Tafflaff" ("Rob" somebody) which then goes on to make much of the fact that there are typos in my text.  Like most in his milieu, Tafflaff has difficulty seeing beyond the form to the content.  No, Mr Tafflaff, in that post, I am not just criticising detectorists, but their attitudes - and in particular their attitudes to archaeology and archaeological conservation, even though the majority of British archaeologists are aligned with them and willingly treat them as "partners".

1 comment:

  1. While I certainly make typing errors and sometimes spelling mistakes, at least I know how to use an apostrophe and make plurals of countable nouns.
