Thursday 18 October 2012

UK Heritage Transparency: Sandridge Hoard Videos Deleted

Well, quelle surprise, the two highly revealing videos to which I gave a link yesterday seem to have "disappeared" down the tekkie Memory Hole. They are ex-videos, non-videos as far as they are concerned. A shame, but that's typical UK tekkie lack of transparency for you. "Thou, British public, shalt not see what we are doing to YOUR heritage". Never mind, I watched them both through three times and people have at least my account of what they show(ed). Of course you have to be able to have the attention span to read down that far, one forum member (age 56 from the West Riding) admits:
I got bored after the 1st paragraph
That's of course the problem, applauding when someone finds lots of shiny gold is easy, making up some glib story about it is fun. Talking about the wider issies in more detail is boring for peole like this, which is why it seldom happens. Yet policies should be based on precisely such wider public discussion of all the issues.

 Forum member Steve Rice on the other hand has a question (Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:19 pm):  
The 'found in woodland' bit interests me. I wonder if he had permission. 
well, I hope the Coroner's inquest (the function of which is to establish the circumstances of finding) addresses that issue. It is rather odd that the newspaper article suggests that permits to search for Treasure and dig on the site were only issued after the first forty coins were recovered. Is that really what happened? If so, it would be in the landowner's interest for this to be revealed, as it would mean that if the anonymous finder was acting illegally (such as detecting without permission), he could hardly be awarded half the reward, and the full sum would go to the landowner.  Perhaps, since he seems to have been involved in the recovery operation, the FLO will be asked to testify about what 'permits' were applied for, by whom and when.    

Photo: Concerned residents of Sandridge. These people have the RIGHT TO KNOW.  Why are things being hidden from them by detectorists and their PAS/local museum "partners"? Let us see full transparency about THEIR heritage.

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