Tuesday 20 August 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Wotta Shame, Damaging Cotswold Rally Cancelled

While there's some detectorists who want to work with archaeologists, there are others who just cannot await to stir up some aggro with them. Tekkies of Wales are up in arms on a forum near you about one instance of site conservation : Cotswold Rally cancelled because of archaeologists ( relichunting Sr. Member Today at 07:35:31 PM) Cotswold Rally Was cancelled
This is down to someone at the council archaeology department who thought it was their business to go beyond their remit and bombard the landowners on the phone with horror stories about detecting rallies [...] I can see an end to UK rallies if this starts happening more often I did not think there would be much interest in this thread when i posted it and it looks like i was right But it could effect Detecting Wales rally one day who knowes
What, according to Relichunter is the remit of archaeologists working for the County Council? Is it not effecting the preservation of as much as possible? Member Herbie ("Hero Member") [Today at 07:49:21 PM] really cannot believe that:
Shaun i find it hard to understand they canceled it on that basis they must be losing thousands of £££s there must be more to it!! 
Yes, selling off the rights to hoik away at the archaeological record is worth big money. "Dale" ("Full Member") says:
It is a shame this has happened, I really think the farmer should carry on at the end of the day its his land, its not scheduled, and a flo was going to be on site to record the finds.
So THAT's what the PAS is telling hoikers? That if there is a PAS FLO there, that it's OK to go a hoiking? Really? And if it's his land, then he is perfectly entitled to change his mind about who he is letting on it, what they can do there, and why. Apparently there is something called "responsible detectorists" in England, I expect before long some of them will be joining this thread and tell these folk the reasons why the archaeologists were concerned. Won't they? Meanwhile, Chef Geoff spills the beans:
Well I read on another forum that the farmer was part of the countryside stewardship scheme Huh If so then how the hell did they think they would be able to have a rally in the first place ?
Vignette: Happy memories for me - Cotswold landscape

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