Monday 19 August 2013

Goleta Explains it Nice-and-Easy, but Some There Still Don't Get It

In the area around Dave Welsh's house in California I found on GoogleEarth an odd linear feature (one of several parallel ones running between the hill ridge and coast). Curious, following it along a few hundred metres north, I came across this. You'll never guess what the sign says...


"Stop driving here". It's that like the American lady who sued McDonalds because she spilt hot coffee on herself and the cup had had no warning on it "caution hot coffee"? Now they do.  

I think that is actually all the comment I am going to give to Dave Welsh's latest response trying to pick a fight over a simple request to point us to books on the methodology (not typology) of the discipline he claims to have such a detailed and complete knowledge of based on an extremely solid foundation of digesting a mountain of books. Books like the one he now gives in his new "booklist of Numismatic Methodology and Theory"? Frankly, I see nothing there which is what I was looking for, it's like asking a philologist for a book on the methodology of diachronic linguists and he just gives you a list of dictionaries. I asked for something setting out the methodology and I get for the second time a list of catalogues (one proclaiming it will tell me "how much it's worth"). I can only assume that if there is such a body of literature for the kitchen table enthusiast, this Goleta "professional numismatist" and ACCG officer does not know of it. So, it beats me why he insists on going round in circles talking about the topic - and in the bargain using the most insulting language. Enough.

Sorry, but this is just pathetic. 

Dave Welsh, "Waxing Classical", Ancient Coins, Sunday, August 18, 2013
Dave Welsh, "Snobbery of the Polish Popgun", Monday, August 19, 2013

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