Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy Christmas from PACHI

I would like to take this opportunity to wish a very Merry Christmas to all archaeobloggers, cultural property observers, responsible antiquity dealers, responsible collectors and metal detectorists everywhere, but above all every one of my readers - especially those who over the past year have engaged in honest debate about the issues raised here. Thanks.

As a picture, I chose an icon of the Holy Family (in a metal 'koszula' so even the metal detectorists can find it). This is a non-canonical representation, which emphasises the special significance of this time of the year for European culture, a time to look forward as well as for looking back.


  1. Happy Christmas from a regular reader.

  2. Thanks John, many happy memories from Framlingham castle, visited it many times. happy Christmas to you to. And you David, dziękuję.
