Monday, 6 January 2014

Archaeologists: Request for Information

In line with my ambition this year to catch up on my writing backlog, I thought I'd ask here too.

I'd like to get some statistics on finds rates/proportions from excavations in the UK. What I'd like are some figures for:
1) the number of coins found
2) the number of other non-ferrous artefacts (small finds)
3) the number of iron small finds (I'd need to know if nails are included)...
... from excavated non-funerary sites of ROMAN and MEDIEVAL date (though Post-med would not be rejected). Anyone who has deposited an excavation archive recently may have that info to hand, or they may have access to a report or two (or know where in the ADS I can find something) which summarises the excavation in that manner. This can be work of any date in the last half century or so. Any help given will of course be properly acknowledged.

The idea is to compare this information from excavations with a set of data I have for objects collected by metal detectorists in East Anglia for something I am writing.


Vignette: Archaeology, more than just glittering Treasure. 


  1. Aren't archaeologists supposed to report this already under either the Treasure Act or the PAS?

  2. Really?

  3. I think you have really not understood what any of this is about. I was not asking about Treasure finds.
