Friday 24 January 2014

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: It's Easy!!

Poor Baz Thugwit, his mates all urge him to fill in a PAS survey, to "help the hobby", but he hesitates. What if it asks questions he cannot answer? What if he cannot work out how to fill in the details, and keeps getting error messages? Or what after laboriously filling in the answers to them questions and checking the speling so they don't fink he's an idiot, he cannot work out how to send it? Or maybe some password or somefink is needed? Baz breaks out in a cold sweat at the thought. But there is no need to worry !! All his friends have done it and each of them reports back (each with an encouraging smiley) on the thread on a metal detecting forum near you how "easy" it is, as if they all too had been expecting to encounter difficulties. Now they are happy and relieved to have 'taken the PAS test' (having faced up to it as a duty). But there is really no need to fear. This survey is specifically  written by the PAS for their "partners", and after sixteen years of liaising with them, the PAS has a jolly good idea of how many words some detectorists can be expected to be able to manage in twenty minutes. Not that many, with a minimum of sentences over eight words long. It's easy Baz, fill it in, give the PAS a boost !  


  1. Mr Baines tried just now to lecture me on how to "convert people to [my] way of thinking". He reckons I should be nicer. Like the PAS I guess. Basically I am of the opinion that those who do not like my way of thinking about the issues I discuss will not read this blog.

    What Mr Baines is - I assume - disturbed by is that there might, just might, be a whole load of people out there unconvinced (now) by the PAS arguments, and whose thinking about artefact hunting - and those who do it and ignore the issues raised - is closer to my way of thinking about the problem than his.

  2. vide "Note to Comment Posters" (left sidebar) point five (and therefore three)...
