Wednesday 26 March 2014

"Prentice" Succours the Looters

Mr Tompa finds resonance in his anti-preservationist views in P. Prentice's comments on BAJR ('Real Archaeologists Without an Agenda Say Metal Detectors' Damage Limited; PAS Adds to Archaeological Record', "Real archaeologists without an agenda have acknowledged for some time that amateur metal detectorists do little real damage to the archaeological record". No, actually they do not, not in Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, France, the United States, the Republic of Ireland, Ukraine and Russia. Bonkers Britain and Peter Tompa's office are about the only places where such thoughts are voiced. Artefact hunting is not considered anywhere else "a win-win for anyone who loves history", it is called looting, and archaeologist Prentice perhaps should think more carefully about the broader significance of what he so glibly says in support of artefact hunters

Still, metal detectorists John Howland and Dick Stout are grateful to Dr Prentice for his remarks too.


  1. "Real archaeologists without an agenda have acknowledged for some time that amateur metal detectorists do little real damage to the archaeological record".

    What? CBA, IfA, EH and a host of other bodies are on multiple record saying the opposite. So he'll generate acclaim in the cheap seats and wonderment in the others.

  2. Well, I would question whether archaeologists ("real" or not) who say such a thing are actually doing so because they lack an agenda, or whether the context f their remarks is an uncritical pro-collecting stance.

    Anyway, it is entirely unclear whether this "P. Prentice" is a real person, and not simply a trouble-making troll - which the use of pseudonyms tends to encourage (such as over on the BAJR forum). If people wrote under their own names, they might think twice before pressing "send".

  3. A few further thoughts:
