Sunday 13 March 2016

Commercial Rally Organizer Grabs Part of Reward

On a metal detecting forum near you, "The ferret" (Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:53 pm) invites his mates: "Lets Go Digging" with the standards of literacy normal in this milieu:
"Just joined a group called Lets Go Digging they seem to have a few rallies being organised all around the country. Any one been on thier rallies before. TF [emoticon]"
Danzigman: "More than 7 groups with that name - witch one ? [emoticon]"

The Ferret: "Oh lol joined thier website didnt know they had more [emoticon][emoticon]"

Danzigman : "No worries.. Im not what you would call a regular guest. [emoticon ]"

The Ferret: "Will give them a try nice to get out and have a social [emoticon] I never do well on rallies so im not expecting much [emoticon]"

Koala: "Use to be one group now spilt into regions. Now a company. Takes a cut from your fee and a percentage of any treasure. I have been to a few. Found a few bits and pieces ever time I go. Can't complain. NW group is a great bunch of lads and lasses".

It takes a cut of the finder's reward? Or the finder and ticket-selling landowner's reward? I think this raises some interesting questions about why the Treasure reward has to be related to the resale value of the object(s) if artefact hunters are willing to give party up for access to the land. What about something being knocked off for conservation, publication too?
 Lets Go Digging is fast becoming the UK detectorists choice for weekend rallies as we continue to acquire 1000’s of acres of undetected land for our members.
So, sort of like the National Trust, except without the preservation?

1 comment:

  1. "I think this raises some interesting questions about why the Treasure reward has to be related to the resale value of the object"

    It does indeed. This organisation boasts it has 2,000 hero-members. If 2,000 detectorists are willing to give up part of their reward that is clear proof the rewards could be lower.

    Conversely, if the British taxpayer is effectively handing over reward money to people who are organising rallies the whole system looks even more ludicrous.

    I only know one (prominent) British detectorist with the brains to complain. Why is he silent these days?
