Wednesday 24 May 2017

Egypt says it retrieved 4 stolen artefacts from Britain [UPDATED}

The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced yesterday that it has received four artefacts that had been stolen and smuggled out of Egypt. [...]  Shaaban Abdel Gawad, a ministry official, said two of the artefacts were displayed in an auction house in the UK while the other two pieces were in the possession of an antiquities dealer in London. Two of the artefacts were stolen during the security mayhem that prevailed in the wake of the 2011 uprising, which resulted in the ousting of long-time president Hosni Mubarak, while the other two were stolen in 2013, according to the ministry.
 'Egypt says it retrieved 4 stolen artefacts from Britain' Middle East Monitor May 24, 2017

Al-Ahram has more - but conflicting - information (thanks to Dorothy King for drawing my attention to it):
The artefacts include a glass sculpture of a human head that was stolen from Qantara-East store galleries, a stone relief stolen during the 1970s from Hatshepsut temple on Luxor’s west bank, a Middle Kingdom wooden ushabti figurine engraved with golden hieroglyphic text stolen from an Aswan store gallery, and a Roman piece stolen from Minya.  Abdel-Gawad pointed out that all these pieces, except the one stolen from Hatshepsut temple, were stolen during the lack of security in the aftermath of January revolution in 2011.

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