Sunday 30 July 2017

UK Detectorists Playing the Victim

The very existence of the PAS seems to me to falsify this entire passage of moaning from Collection-driven Exploiters of the archaeological record in the UK:]\
There are, however, many archaeologist 'dinosaurs' who are not prepared to accept that detectorists have something to offer to the heritage record. It is unfortunate that there does not seem to be an internal drive within the profession to right this misconception. Maybe it is time to make a start, before detectorists feel that it is all just one-way traffic? The profession has to be willing to sideline the extremists and accept that the recording system we have now is not perfect but probably the best we will get within the immediate future. It also has to accept that detectorists are not the 'great unwashed', uneducated rabble some would make others believe. An emotive statement may be, but one only has to read what Heritage Action and others say about the hobby to substantiate it. If these changes of attitude are not taken on board by the mainstream of the profession then the majority of those pursuing the hobby of metal detecting may well turn their backs on recording, with all the damage that would cause. There is a strong and growing feeling within the hobby that it is time for the heritage profession to offer some positive feedback to the multitude of responsible metal detectorists. After more than fifteen years of getting as many as possible of their colleagues to record their finds and detect responsibly, they have seen little sign of attitudes in the profession, as a whole, changing for the better towards the hobby. 
 Tom Redmayne and Kevin Woodward, 'The Metal Detecting Forum - an online community. Resource, education and co-operation',   Internet Archaeology 33 Feb 28 2013

Vignette: Stop complaining about the troubles you have, and start being thankful for the ones you do not.  

1 comment:

  1. "If these changes of attitude are not taken on board by the mainstream of the profession then the majority of those pursuing the hobby of metal detecting may well turn their backs on recording"

    What a ludicrous statement when the vast majority of finds don't get recorded already!
