Saturday 4 May 2019

Detectorist threatens CBA and Rescue with loss of charitable status for criticising detecting!

Heritage Action draw attention to another piece of brutish British tekkie behaviour. They mention:
The nasty (and let’s leave him nameless) detectorist and website owner who wanted to make all detectorists aware of our Chairman’s photograph and home address for obvious reasons …. "I have photos of him …. I’m anxious to let anybody who wants them, have them…. if he is frightened for his own safety he should have considered his actions …. Throw the shyster to the dogs”  … and only desisted after being spoken to by the police,

They note that this particular representative of the portable antiquities collecting community
has now turned his bile onto Britain’s two main archaeological charities – The Council for British Archaeology and Rescue, The British Archaeological Trust, threatening them with all sorts of bad stuff for maintaining that metal detecting is a net problem for Britain.“a charity campaigning to restrict the rights of others might very well find itself in very hot water.”  “Were a complaint to be made to the Charity Commissioners and subsequently upheld that “… detriment or harm…” was or could be caused to that particular pastime and/or its devotees, the offending charity may well find itself in serious trouble.” “Penalties are harsh and can lead to forfeiture of charitable status and associated fiscal benefits.”  He then lists the contact details of various charity regulators in the hope no doubt that his followers, not him, will act accordingly (see the pattern?). Somehow, we doubt they will. Or, if they do, that the Charity Commissioners won’t find it hilarious.
Maybe archaeologists and conservationists should start paying attention to charities that raise money from the selling of tickets that allow people to profit from the ripping up of Britain's archaeological heritage, just the same as terrorist groups in the Middle East have been reputed to be doing. Perhaps the same Charity Commissioners should be challenged to say why they will not put a STOP (Stop Taking Our Past) to this.
What is quite interesting is that Rescue are keeping the information about this call for action against them from its social media followers members. Two days ago I notified them of this veiled threat from a metal detecting 'partner', and so far the moderator is keeping it under wraps. Though when it comes to comments on their  social media output, they are currently (and again) allowing other detectorist 'pals' free rein)  For a 'charity', Rescue has a sever bullying problem on its social media and is failing to create a corporation 'brand' around the ideology it purports to represent and is failing to deal with it.

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