Monday 29 July 2019

PAS Social Media Outreach, "Don' Worry M8s, Anti-Collecting Brigade Are Hiding the Troof From yer"

This takes the biscuit:
Also worth pointing out that a large concentration of finds on arable land probably means that you have a site being destroyed by intensive agriculture, the latter being The Single Greatest Threat to buried remains in the UK (not that the anti-PAS lobby mention that often...)
Ixelles Six land this, so Wil Partridge, hoiking it out willy-nilly and pocketing it with minimal record "saves" what? That is actually a sensible and pertinent question, not that you'll see the pro-PAS lobby mentioning that it is one - let alone answering it. What in the PAS view are "buried remains' and how should "Our Portable Past" be recorded?

As for deep ploughing, is it actually true that it is the anti-Collection-Driven-Exploitation-of-the- Archaeological-Record-Lobby that is not telling it like it is?

See for example: Aren't Tractor Drivers Wonderful?, PACHI Sunday, 27 September 2009
Focus on Irresponsible UK Metal Detecting: "Refreshing the Field"  PACHI  Wednesday, 15 January 2014

PAS have yet to comment on this issue, in 20 years "outreach" - no surprise really. Some of them have not advanced archaeologically beyond excavating hoards in narrow hoik holes with paint scrapers and Sainbury's carrier bags.

And anyway if it is arable farming that is destroying "buried remains" where is the firm and strident PAS-castigation of those metal detecting artefact hunters who venture onto pasture land (some of it with unploughed earthworks) and hoik and pocket artefacts there? Where is it?

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