Monday 2 September 2019

The Bosnian Metal Detectorists and an 'Ice Age Advanced Civilization'

Photo Nicola Scheyhing
Nicola Scheyhing @PrehiStorytellr visited Bosnia and Herzigowina and found herself visiting the so-called 'Bosnian Pyramids' at Visoko... (for those that don't know, natural hills misidentified as 34000 year old man-made monuments created by an advanced civilisation and now promoted in the name of boosting tourism). These 'sites' are visited by 60 000 people annually. She tweets on the experience (and I learn what "orgonite" is - wow).

Visiting the site, she says: 'there was a possibility to visit „the excavations“, but just with a guided tour, which was [... ] possible with a „voluntary donation“ of five Euros. This was also „voluntarily asked for“ at the other two spots and is used to fund the „investigations“....', but then:
Nicola Scheyhing @PrehiStorytellr · 16 godz.
Even a group appeared from the „investigation area“, carrying metal dectectors. They spoke with a group of Italian women, so I understood that they were there for looking for traces of a settlement structure. 34 000 years old. Via metal detector.
What are archaeologists doing wrong that anybody using a metal detector as a primary tool can claim to be an "archaeologist" and get away with it?

Secondly, a claim for an advanced civilisation in the mountain areas of southeastern Europe 34k years ago, I do not think we can expect the average member of the public going to this site to work out that this is somewhere in the middle of Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (cf 'Ålesund interstadial' times), but perhaps the term Last Ice Age (Würm glaciation) might somehow impinge on their consciousness and pique their curiosity? Or is that expecting too much of a modern school history curriculum?

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