Wednesday 30 October 2019

The Eye/Leominster Hoard Saga So Far


  1. Dear Paul,

    I am writing from Rare TV, a London/Belfast/Dublin based television production company. We make factual programmes including documentaries, science and history programmes for a wide range of broadcasters in the UK, US and internationally.

    We have a strong track record in archaeology programmes and make the long running archaeology series Digging for Britain for the BBC and I work in development, so I am always looking for new ideas.

    I read an article about the Leominster hoard, the failure of the two detectorists to report their finds and their subsequent jailing. It is quite an extraordinary story, especially given the significance of their finds and I have been thinking about whether it could be the basis of a documentary.

    Having seen this blog I wondered if you had any thoughts on this and any knowledge as to whether people are still looking for the rest of the hoard, whether there's a general consensus that the detectorists have hidden it somewhere etc. I understand from West Mercia police that they are due to face a Proceeds of Crime Act hearing in March next year where I imagine some of this information might come out but it would be great to know if you have heard anything.

    I'm not looking for the hoard but rather looking into whether there is an story around this that could be told for television.

    Thank you very much,

    Susannah Zeff
    Senior Development Producer
    Rare TV

  2. Hi Suzanna, possibly that's not something to discuss online, send me an email as a comment and I'll not publish it but reply offline.
