Friday 13 December 2019

Boris-Britain: Best way to educate kids? Put a detector in their hands.

The History Project (sic):
We can not think of a better way to make children aware of their awesome local history other than to put a metal detector in their hands.
That's a shame.  Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Not a GPS in sight anywhere. What a completely crappy idea. Additionally when these two clowns decide to turn up at the school in their "Second World War" (Bob's military surplus store rejects) army kit, they might have thought of a better way of giving a show and tell hands-on history lesson than digging up school jumble sale coin losses and a radiator knob. But they make up for lack of content with patronising enthusiasm ('you should see the look on there litt'l facis'). And to be engaged as 'educators' for kids, the school might look for people who can actually speak proper English.

Pathetic.  But apparently the best Britain can do  these days.


  1. I think we're inured to bad stuff in this country. Teaching kids to metal detect is illegal in most places.

    I wonder if these people are aware of the views of the Council for British Archaeology on metal detecting -

    "intervention is only justified if the evidence is at risk of being lost or damaged, through development, climate change, or agricultural practices."

  2. I don't know who these people are and what qualifications they have apart from being mouthy, liking dressing up in military kit, and having metal detectors. Educators or exhibitionists?
