Thursday 26 December 2019

Scheme Interactions: PAS on Social Media

Social media
According to the PAS website in its current form, the Portable Antiquities Scheme currently employs 59 members of staff, among them 42 Finds Liaison Officers and one outreach officer. What is interesting is that even though they are employed to do public outreach, the PAS website only gives you details of how to contact them, rather than reach their social media output. So I've done it for them. It seems only about half of them are using Twitter to reach a wider audience, some are using Facebook. I have listed here the ones I am aware of, and would be grateful for any information on ones I have missed.

1) Matthew Fittock Finds Liaison Officer for Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire [Twitter  @MatthewFittock]

2) Helena Costas Finds Liaison Officer - Berkshire [Twitter  @BerkshireFlo] [page no longer operating?]

3) Arwen Wood Finds Liaison Officer - Buckinghamshire  [Twitter @Bucks_FLO  BLOCKING the author of this blog]

4) Helen Fowler Finds Liaison Officer - Cambridgeshire (unkown)

5) Heather Beeton Finds Liaison Officer - Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside [Twitter: @FLOChe_GM_MSY] [account no longer exists]

6) Anna Tyacke Finds Liaison Officer - Cornwall [unknown]

7) Maria Kneafsey Finds Liaison Officer - Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire  [Twitter: @mariakneafsey]

8) Lucy Shipley Finds Liaison Officer - Devon and Somerset [unknown]

9) Ciorstaidh Hayward Trevarthen, Finds Liaison Officer - Dorset [unknown]

10) Sophie Flynn Finds Liaison Officer - Essex [unknown]

11) Kurt Adams Finds Liaison Officer - Gloucestershire and Avon [unknown]

12) Katie Hinds Finds Liaison Officer - Hampshire [unknown]

13) Peter Reavill Finds Liaison Officer - Herefordshire and Shropshire [Twitter: PAS in the Marches @FLO_Marches  @PeterReavill ] [BLOCKING the author of this blog on one account, not yet on second]

14) Frank Basford Finds Liaison Officer - Isle of Wight [unknown]

15) Georgia Robinson Historic Environment and Finds Officer - Jersey [unknown]

16) Jo Ahmet Finds Liaison Officer - Kent [Twitter @Kent_Finds ] [another one  BLOCKING the author of this blog]

17) Ian Bass Finds Liaison Officer - Lancashire and Cumbria [unknown]

18) Alex Whitlock Finds Liaison Officer - Lancashire and Cumbria [unknown]

19) [vacant] Leicestershire and Rutland [was Wendy Scott: @exleicflo ] [account no longer active?]

20) Lisa Brundle Finds Liaison Officer - Lincolnshire [unknown]

21) Stuart Wyatt Finds Liaison Officer - London   [Twitter @stuartlondonmud]

22) Andrew Williams, Finds Liaison Assistant - Norfolk [unknown]

23) Garry Crace, Finds Liaison Assistant - Norfolk [Twitter @hirsuteface BLOCKING the author of this blog]

24) Helen Geake Finds Liaison Officer - Norfolk [Twitter: @HelenGeake]

25) Rebecca Griffiths Finds Liaison Officer - North and East Yorkshire [@Bexx_FLO, another one  BLOCKING the author of this blog]

26) Ellie Cox Finds Liaison Officer - Northamptonshire [unknown]

27) Martin Foreman Finds Liaison Officer - Northern Lincolnshire [unknown]

28) [vacant since October] Oxfordshire FLO Finds Liaison Officer - Oxfordshire Museums Resource Centre [was  @AnniB_OxonFLO and @ArchaeoAnni BLOCKING the author of the PACHI blog]

29) Laura Burnett Finds Liaison Officer - Somerset [Twitter @TokenxEffort]

30) Amy Downes Finds Liaison Officer - South and West Yorkshire [Twitter  @SWYOR_FLO] [Also: Graham Rawson PAS volunteer S and W Yorks @RawsonGraham] [BLOCKING the author of this blog]

31) Victoria Allnatt, Finds Liaison Officer - Staffordshire and West Midlands [Twitter 
 @FloMidlands]  [another one  BLOCKING the author of this blog]

32) Teresa Gilmore, Finds Liaison Officer - Staffordshire and West Midlands  @StaffsWMFLO [another one  BLOCKING the author of this blog] [facebook too ]

33) Riccardo Caravello Finds Liaison Officer - Suffolk [unknown]

34) Anna Booth Finds Liaison Officer - Suffolk [Twitter @AnnaBooth3] [account no longer active?]

35) Simon Maslin Finds Liaison Officer - Surrey [Twitter @spmaslin]

36) Carolina Rangel de Lima Finds Liaison Officer - Sussex [unkown]

37) Benjamin Westwood Finds Liaison Officer - The North East (County Durham, Darlington, and Teesside) [Twitter: @FLODurhamFLO] [another one  BLOCKING the author of this blog]

38) Andrew Agate Finds Liaison Officer - The North East (Newcastle and Northumberland) [Twitter @Northeast_FLO]

39) Mark Lodwick, Finds Liaison Officer - Wales [unknown]

40) Susie White Finds Liaison Officer - Wales NWales twitter: @NWales_FLO

41) [vacant] Finds Liaison Officer - Warwickshire and Worcestershire [was Angie Bolton @AngieMBolton]

42) Wil Partridge Finds Liaison Officer - Wiltshire   [@PasWiltshire] [account no longer exists] 

Central Unit team [Twitter: @findsorguk - BLOCKING ME] The Scheme currently employs 3 Central Unit staff members in the Department of Learning and National Partnerships, The British Museum: Michael Lewis Head of Scheme and Treasure, Elizabeth Coningsby Resources Manager, Claire Costin Resources Manager. In the same department is also based Lauren Speed, PASt Explorers Outreach Officer.

The Scheme currently employs 5 National Finds Advisers in various sites. Andrew Brown [@AIBArch], Kevin Leahy, Sam Moorhead [slideshare], John Naylor, Sally Worrell [@sworrell2 ].

The Treasure Administration team currently employs 5 in the Department of Learning and National Partnerships, The British Museum: Ian Richardson Senior Treasure Registrar [Twitter joint account: Treasure Registrars @TRegistrars], Gail Hammond Treasure Registrar, Ayla Karaman Treasure Registrar, Meghan King Treasure Registrar, Amy Marsh Treasure Registrar.

Twitter hashtags include:

@crap finds 'Fighting back against pretty Treasures! Celebrating mundane, mediocre, & ordinary artefacts dutifully recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme (and others)' (might be an anonymous FLO account)

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