Wednesday 22 April 2020

Metal Detecting Finds – Saxon/Roman/Medieval/Post Medieval Artefacts and Coins

More bulk lots of artefacts found by artefact hunters: Metal Detecting Finds – Saxon/Roman/Medieval/Post Medieval Artefacts and Coins Uncleaned and Unresearched - British Found - Cambs Current bid: GBP 125.00 (eBay seller 1082_2008 1218 Ely, United Kingdom). This is probably legal - though no mentions of any documentation of landowner(s) assigning title - but is this really responsible treatment of the archaeological record? I'd say it is not and would be glad to hear from any archaeologist who thinks it is. I'd be even gladder to hear from any archaeologist who'd actually dare to say what they were thinking about this as a way to treat the archaeological record. Anyone?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. From the pattern of their bidding in the eBay stats, winner 3***2(691) looks like a shill bidder to me. Watch out.

    Send your comment again, I accidentally deleted it.
