Saturday 31 October 2020

UK's Lockdown Flounderings and Artefact Hunting

In the UK, museums and galleries must close under the new Covid-19 lockdown regulations (Gov.ukm: New National Restrictions from 5 November). Some FLOs had returned to work in their host institutions, most it seems had not. Now many will be returning home after 5th November, this time maybe they will all take boxes of unrecorded finds to keep them busy, because actually using this lull to get some outreach materials created and using social media to promote a broader understanding of best practice seems to be beyond most of them. Anyway, there are some private initiatives - maybe if they can't produce their own, they can use that...

But it seems that even treating artefact hunting as "outdoor exercise" (which is what the grabby site trashers do in the UK) may not be enough to allow them to get out and pilfer the past for the next few weeks, at least not in groups. The PAS and NCMD have yet to issue detailed guidelines. The European Council for Metal Detecting never got around to producing any at all.

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