Thursday 26 November 2020

LGD's Killagranny Weekend Event Goes Ahead

In the sleepy rural backwater Killagranny, next to the medieval town of Selfish in Gloucestershire, a grammatically-challenged commercial dig organiser is irresponsibly trying to get members to pay up (original spelling and punctuation):
Paul Lgd Howard (Admin)
Good evening members, Just a heads up our annual Christmas rally is going to fill fast this year as i know theirs a lot of ppl who was in tier (3) thinking they wouldn’t be allowed to attend but now it’s looking like it might be possible all tiers can attend, we will now more Thursday.

I'll just post this up, note what it says about travel:

I am not sure what the logic is in thinking people from "medium alert" and "high alert" areas can meet in a "very high alert" region without travelling. But then, I'm not a metal detectorist. 

Update 28th November 2020

The NCMD have exerted themselves and read the official document describing the post Dec 2nd arrangements and set out in Simple English what they found out for the befit of the thickoes among them that cannot manage such a task. The result is this: N.C.M.D (CORECTED) [sic] Guidance from 2nd Dec:

[...] In all situations you are advised to restrict your journeys [...] both within and outside your local area. [...] Large outdoor events should not take place.

Again, they felt they had to bother central government to explain to them what they cannot understand (and again it's about private property in high risk zones). Government must be getting sick of this lot. 


  1. But what does Brian say about this?

  2. So, I’m just curious... what does Brian think about that?

  3. Presumably what most normal, decent people think on reading about the misplaced entitlement and sheer nerve of these people.

    I would say that in the UK, irresponsible commercial organisations like LGD are banging the last nails in the coffin of a severely compromised hobby. You'll note not a single British detectorist has come on here to justify this ("mental 'ealth M8", "saving artefacts", "only intrestid in the 'istry innit?") I think they can see that events like this show the utter weakness of their case.

    Probably the funds for the PAS will be cut and without it, there can be no more "responsible metal detecting", and irresponsible metal detecting deserves to be stomped on.

  4. Fascinating stuff, but what does Brian think that?

  5. That's "editor English is it?".

  6. "You'll note not a single British detectorist has come on here to justify this ("mental 'ealth M8", "saving artefacts"

    No but I've noted that not a one accredited archaeologist (one who is not afraid to share his or her credentials)has EVER come on here to justify YOUR mental health.

  7. Paul, I haven't bothered to answer the triumphant claims of these three pound-shop sleuths but enough is enough.

    In short, there are hundreds of people who know I'm entirely not you and no doubt would be willing to attest to the fact so I'm happy to pledge to pay these three $100,000 each if they can substantiate their childish claims, which they can't, because I'm not!

  8. I don't think any archaeologist would come on here and support the kind of thing I write about, do you? Where's that "Logarithms Lisa" when you need her, eh? She's been a bit quiet hasn't she?

  9. So, Brain has answered (sic) Hurrah, but FAKE NEWS.

    Paul is right about the archaeologists. They don’t attend here because they deal with far more interesting rubbish in their day-to-day jobs.
