Thursday 11 February 2021

Six out of Ten are Newbies: Nine out of Ten Ignore the Real Code

Facebook, Fudge's Group (Stephen Llewellyn, Admin), 21st December 2020:

As an admin of the group, when I'm accepting new members, 6 out of 10 are just starting out in the hobby. It's important that you all know the code of conduct, especially in the current climate with new rules about to be added to the treasure act. So if your [sic] a beginner, please watch this video that the NCMD have released. The NCMD Code of Conduct. The National Council of Metal Detecting is committed to publicising the importance of responsible detecting.
The National Council of Metal Detecting is "committed to publicising the importance of responsible detecting", but not enforcing it among its members. This tells you a lot about PAS penetration. It is zero. There is no mention here of the proper 'Code of Best Practice for Responsible Metal Detecting in England and Wales, only the NCMD's lame excuse code. What are the PAS doing about it after two decades? How are they attempting to reach those six out of ten?  


  1. Well PAS clearly can't reach the majority with logic or appeals to a sense of social responsibility else they would have done so by about 2005.

    They could think laterally though and tell landowners someone who offers them a finds agreement with the NCMD "responsibility" code printed on the back is there to mislead them. There is no other explanation, is there? It's like telling someone you'll adhere to the Sale of Goods Act except when you won't and asking them to sign up to say you think it's fine.

  2. I think PAS could have seized the initiative years ago to produce (in collaboration with the BM legal department) a proforma for a search and take agreement that includes the relevant things such as the searcher agreeing to follow the official Code of Best Practice... (which includes reporting to the PAS), oblige themselves to get anything they take off the land signed off, and then propagate that to LANDOWNERS (through for example cautionary articles in farming journals about what can happen with a non-standardised amateurish 'permission' produced by the artefact hunters themselves, and presence on a few online farming forums). Seizing the initiative does not seem to be what the PAS is good at...

  3. "non-standardised amateurish 'permission' produced by the artefact hunters themselves"

    As you know, every one is different, tailored to suit each situation and facilitated by the blank bits in the NCMD pro forma. Imagine, fill in the amount you want to share...
