Saturday 26 February 2022

March 7th, Henry Cole Subsequent TV-film for Benefit of Metaldetecting in Britain

    Subsequent historical TV film    
 presenter Henry Coles

The long wait is over... as announced in a rambling barely coherent overlong monologue by the series' star detectorist Graeme Rushton, the PAS supported "Henry Cole's Great British Treasure Hunt" begins 9pm 7th March ITV4. Five episodes, one every night for a week. Mr Rushton says he is
"shoe-er your orl going to enjoy it [...] and ov corse theres gonna be people that slag it off. There's gonna be people fer wha'ever reason, a li'lle bitta jealousy creeping in I guess, an' trolls cooming out-the woodwork as they normly do, boot the vast major'ty of normal, decent, people, detectorists and people that like hist'ry are going to really, really enjoy this series" [..] "the trolls'll be out in force usually that, usually, you know, it's usually triggered by jealousy unfortunately".
The guy really does not get it, does he? the people who might be coming out of the woodwork to criticise bad and misguided TV are doing so not because they are "jealous" about anything. Most of us would run a mile before ever being filmed standing next to Henry Cole and smiling indulgently at his puerile humour, let alone with a metal detector is their hands. Ecologistas and environmentalists are not "jealous" of Baz Slaughter and his pal Adrien Bloodsport appearing in the series "Cheeky Tenby Rolex's Big Kenyan Rhino Hunt" in which five teams of big game slaughterers vie with each other to get the most interestingly shaped and valuable rhino horn at the end of the series. They are not "jealous" that Baz blew a hole right through a rhino's chest and sawed of a two kilo keratin cone while the animal was still bleeding. Dispair would probably cover the feeling that they experience that somebody in this day and age would even think this was a good idea for a television series ("for normal decent people that really enjoy nature"). But the PAS liked the idea.

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