Saturday 10 December 2022

British Metal Detectorists' Expectations, PAS Scramble to Play Along

Unlike the majority of the archaeologists who are all for collaborating with artefact hunting, Heritage Action follows what's happening in the detectorist's corner of social media. They report (10/12/2022) that: "National Council for Metal Detecting comes up with a fresh excuse for not recording finds! ". Remember, current figures (until the PAS upped the estimated number of detectorists from 27000 to 40000!) suggest that eight out of nine artefacts hoiked out of the ground by English and Welsh artefact hunters are NOT being reported (and the figures for Scottish ones are probably even worse). They report the threats and excuses used by tekkes for withholding information from the public about what they are hoiking and pocketing:
“The recording process” is the 16th bogus excuse NCMD has come up with over the years. Here is the full list:
“Don’t criticise us or we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t tell us what to do or we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t undertake surveys of nighthawking else we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t let PAS dominate us else we’ll stop reporting”

(and later: “Don’t reduce PAS’s funding else we’ll stop reporting”),

“Don’t impose a Code of Responsible Detecting else we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t discuss licensing us else we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t ban inappropriate rallies else we’ll stop reporting”, “Don’t impose restrictions under stewardship schemes else we’ll stop reporting”, “

Don’t tighten up EBay else we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t ever, ever, ever short change us on the Treasure rewards else we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t abate our Treasure rewards for not calling an archie out else we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t talk of using some of our Treasure rewards to finance proper excavations of our findspots else we’ll stop reporting”,

“Don’t write to farmers without us dictating what is to be said else we’ll stop reporting”

“Don’t extend the items covered by the Treasure Act beyond exactly what we say else we’ll stop reporting.”
And now: “It’s the system that prevents us from recording”.
But never mind, the PAS is jumping to help the poor tekkies out. The National Council for Metal Detecting has persuaded them to help:
"I asked Michael Lewis, Head of PAS, to provide an expectation document so that both sides could be clear as to what the recording process is, what the service levels should be and also, the escalation process if there is an issue. Michael has kindly provided that document, and has given his email address as the escalation part of the process, so any complaints can be directed to him. The good news is, the current system is being upgraded with the launch of a new PAS website, which will undoubtedly help to make things better, but it is likely to be at least 3 years before it is launched, so we will continue to work with the PAS to discuss the issues and to push for changes that could be made in the short term to improve the system for the benefit of all parties".


PORTABLE ANTIQUITIES SCHEME Managing/Meeting Finder’s Expectations
only available on the NCMD website.

Where is the one for archaeologists and heritage professionals and their expectations? 

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