Tuesday 1 August 2023

Police Investigations in Lancashire and Cumbria


The saga of the objects missing from a northern museum storeroom goes on: 

"The present police investigation is ongoing and a great many of the finders have recently been informed of the successful recovery of items linked to this investigation. We have been working with the BM Treasure team and we have both updated processes. We have also worked with the LCC Audit team and have instigated new procedures around how we accept items and the level of documentation required when receipting of objects. Other additional security measures have been implemented."

But this investigation is dragging its feet a bit. The scandal broke last year (Friday, 18 November 2022, 'Detectorists' Finds Among Items Reportedly Missing from Northern UK Council Store', Wednesday, 21 December 2022, ' Finds recovered in Lancashire Museum Store Investigation, Saturday, 31 December 2022 More on Empty Storeroom Shelves ,

Now they arrested somebody and finds are being recovered (from where?). So when are we going to see charges? But I am glad to see that the museums are improving their security and taking documentation seriously.


  1. " When we accept a find we must have the full details of
    the finder/ depositor- unfortunately a name and phone number are not sufficient."

    And the landowner?

  2. "updated processes".... "and have instigated new procedures around how we accept items and the level of documentation required when receipting of objects. Other additional security measures have been implemented."

    Does that mean name, address and telephone number and search permission from landowner, and if so does that imply it wasn't done in the previous 20 years and does it apply to just potential Treasure items or all reported items?

  3. When ''WE ACCEPT A FIND???'' Jesus H. Christ? An invitation to all of you, sceptics, archaeological dinosaurs, and maybe those interested enlightened parties, why not come along, observe, record, and kick the shit out of the finders for unearthing coins and artifacts that you never even suspected lurked in those fields? Sorry, we win.
