Tuesday 2 March 2010

New Sidebar - Abbreviations

When I started doing this blog I attempted to define each abbreviation and acronym in each post (after all most people come here by accident read a bit and probably whizz off somewhere else and the terms are somewhat hermetic). This became tedious as composing each post took up more and more time, so I have become a bit lax over that recently. I will try to remedy this though in coming days by adding a list of the most common abbreviations I tend to use (CPIA, CBA, SAFE etc). It is under construction, but will eventually be down the bottom on the left hand side. Any suggestions about what should be there will be gratefully accepted, but obviously I do not want it to get too long.


Marcus Preen said...

Well obviously, a guide to the terminology employed by no-questions-asked traders and their apologists is urgently required - not just here but elsewhere. After all, if you read the words that are constantly trotted out they give the impression it's a no-questions-needed trade.

For instance, people not in the know might think "nationalist" meant some sort of excessive parochialism whereas patently in the world of NQA trading it's applied to any government that wants to stem the flow of looted artefacts into the States (except the American government, which is merely "wrong headed" or "influenced by radical archaeologists."

Once such nuances are thoroughly understood all becomes much clearer.

Paul Barford said...

Marcus you are of course right. Here I was thinking of the abbreviations that for someone embroiled in the debate might be clear (ARPA, CBA, BAJR, UKDN, BNP and so on) but of course may not be to an Ohio housefrau or New Zealand sheep farmer who might stumble across a blog post.

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