Friday 9 August 2013

Egypt: A Full Record of Losses was Promised Two Years Ago.

Can we take it from the comments of Marcel Marée (British Museum Assistant Keeper of Ancient Egypt and Sudan Department) about the lack of documentation of stuff that went missing from archaeological storerooms all over Egypt in January (?) and February 2011 that in fact, in between their reported continual protesting, demonstrating, sitting-in and whatever else they've been up to, the several thousand employees of the Antiquities Service have not actually managed to get out to the authorities the records of what went missing? After two and a half years?  
"Except these six objects, no other stolen objects have come to the attention of the museum experts since the 2011 revolution. "I have little doubt, though, that more stolen pieces are circulating, but they simply cannot be detected if no one reported them as missing - and no report is complete without photographs," Marée concludes. He and his colleagues advise the Egyptian authorities to notify the ALR and the Egyptology community all over the world of any stolen objects."

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