Tuesday 13 August 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Wot Makes Detectorists Guffaw

There is, I was told, a website out there called "Bigfunny site", a glance at just the front page shows what sort of retarded intellects the tit-n-bum/ scatological "humour" caters for. Not really the sort of thing, I would have thought, that would have a microsecond's worth of interest for the majority of readers of this blog over the age of eleven. Instead let's play a guessing game. This blog is involved in a debate between two sides about the treatment of the archaeological heritage:

The White Hat Guys
(conservationists, preservationists, archaeologists, the AIA, academics and right-thinking journalists and lawyers),

opposing the arguments (I use the term loosely for they have none to speak of) advanced by:

The Black Hat Guys
(Looters, metal detectorists, antiquities dealers, some US lawyers and ACE schoolteachers, treasure hunting companies and the directors and trustees of SLAM)

Question. Which of the two sides would be visiting the above-mentioned "Bigfunny site" and lifting their "Certificate For Complete Asshole", addressing it to the other side and posting it on a blog representing their position? Would it be the White Hat Guys, or the Black Hat Guys who'd think such name-calling was a really spiffing idea and spend hours guffawing about it? 

Have a look through a few blogs and see if you can find the answer (if you'd not guessed outright to which side metally retarded inadequates tend to be attracted). You will not find such "jokes" on the pages of the other side, just a series of issues which the Black Hat Guys refuse to address in any serious and informed manner. 

 More similarly-unsubtle "comedy": 'Focus on UK Metal Detecting: Wot Makes Britin's Tekkies Larf', Saturday, 15 December 2012.

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