Monday 12 August 2013

No Child Left Behind, Unless....

Somebody who was neither Benjamin Franklin or Albert Einstein famously defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results". It seems to me that some coiney types really have some kind of learning disability. They are repeatedly with insistent stupidity confusing internal trade in a source country for dugup antiquities such as China and Cyprus with their external trade relations. It is probably a waste of time trying to explain it to them for the seven hundredth and forty fourth time.  They will probably never get it.
Tompa, P. 'Greater Obama Administration Transparency on Government Surveillance Program and Even Golf, But Not Cypriot and Chinese Coins' CPO blog, August 12, 2013
Umm... WHICH administration does he think passed the Cyprus (July 16th 2007) and China (14th Jan 2009) MOUs? Obama's or that of his ousted predecessor?

UPDATE 14.08.13
Just a day later the same confusion from the same guy:
'Evan Ryan Nominated to be Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs', CPO blog, August 13, 2013.
"there is an effort (as in the case of China and Italy) to preclude Americans from enjoying access to the exact same artifacts that are widely traded within those same countries". 
Methinks it is more a case of making an effort to make Americans appear the victim. 


  1. But I thought according to the archaeological community it is about protecting the archaeological record from collectors in general rather than cultural nationalism directed against foreigners. Please explain. And yes, those restrictions came in under President Bush, but the Obama White House-- which has promised to be the most transparent ever-- certainly has not been transparent on this particular issue.

  2. "please explain" what? "what" is about "what"?

    How many times do you NEED it "explained"? I've already done it on this blog, I've done it in comments sent to yours.

    You lot always want the answer handed on a plate don't you? Why not just read the Convention and think about what you read there. Do not read into it what is not there and then put the blame on others ("the archaeological community says...")


  3. Anyway stop getting misled by your Amerocentric delusions. There is no transparency over there, just the show of it.
    Let's have some more Obama transparency on some more important things, what the US involvement is in Egypt's recent coup for example, the true nature and effects of your political assassination drone programme, whether the recent brief Middle Eastern embassy closures are due to a real threat or a pretend one staged to draw attention away from (and justify what is behind) Ed Snowdon's recent revelations and a whole host of other things the world would like to ask the American President. I really do not many of us give a tinker's for his golf game.
