Saturday 9 November 2013

Focus on Metal Detecting" Child Burial Dug up "With Impunity"

This coffin was detected by metal detector and till it was unearthed was not to been known what it was, it could of been a tractor part. gold hoard or this coffin. NOTE: A Romans did not see there children as worthy beings until puberty and thus either scattered remains or interned them in pots. So this in theory is not a coffin and is all speculation[,] as it looks like small version of the very few adult Decorated Lead Coffins found[,] it has to be investigated to determine is it an ancient coffin or is it religious gold and silver items buried in a very crude and undecorated coffin shaped lead box hidden from marauders such as Vikings and then it would may be put this find as Saxon [?]. Due to the unsure nature of this Lead Coffin shaped box it had to be lifted. 
It IS FACT that Romans did not think that children were worthy beings until puberty and this is the reason NO lead child coffins have ever been found. So is it a child coffin ?. Besides they didnt care BUT WE DID and proceeded within the law as set out and with impunity.
It's legal innit? So wiv impunity they dug it up! "WE CARED", "we cared so much we dug the dead from their grave and now we're paying to have somebody poke it about a bit".  I suggest that Mr Allmetalmode might like to get out a bit to a few museums, Colchester and York contain some lead coffins on display, including children's ones. There was a corpus by Hugh Toller published in BAR many years ago, certainly I do not think one can describe the total as "very few". I excavated one lead child's coffin myself thirty years ago - dumped in antiquity in a Roman gravel pit on the south side of Balkerne Hill where the bypass now runs (published). That was development mitigation, not a MD-club-dig-around-for-fun. The Romans did bury pre-pubertal children, some of them had real coffins (wood, lead and stone) and Allmetalmode's special pleading is either ignorance or waffle.  One of them can be cured by reading BOOKS. For metal detectorist waffle there is no cure until they learn to think straight.

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