Sunday 10 November 2013

Focus on UK Metal Detecting: PR for the Hobby and Planks

Heritage Action apparently have the same opinion as myself ('Detectorists’ leader has no idea whatsoever!' Heritage Journal 10/11/2013) on the manner in which some spokesmen on behalf of the UK's metal detectorists are trying to "defend the hobby" by tomfoolery:
A gentleman known as “Remic” (who is the “rep” for the NCMD – the “recognised voice of metal detecting”) has been making some pretty extraordinary claims. H[e claims h]oles dug by alleged nighthawks at Whitby Abbey were actually dug by archaeologists trying to discredit the hobby. Coins “planted” at a rally and identified as such by PAS [he says] were also put there by archaeologists. Now he’s excelled himself. All those nighthawking holes we’ve been photographing at the Staffordshire Hoard field were dug by an archaeologist (Paul Barford!) Talk that a lot of detectorists are deeply embarrassed by the ongoing antics of their rep are not exactly exaggerated. In addition, sooner or later one of his colleagues will quietly point out to the hapless Remic that in saying archaeologists dug the holes he is defending not detectorists but nighthawks!!  (We should stress however that it is not known whether it is true that when last week he inadvertently stood next to ten short planks he was seen to exceed their width by quite a margin.)
The NCMD spokesman refuses to comment on anything I say on artefact hunting, the NCMD and its Code of Conduct on this blog, he assures his admiring and trusting readers that he "could always" address these points as comments (yes, he could always but never has), but says "I have better things to do than give oxygen to the ravings of a Manic Street Preacher" (sic). On the other hand, if he does not, it means the readers (coming up to 900 000 hits now) are just going to get my side of the story. It seems to me that the job of a spokesman is to ensure that this sort of thing does not happen. Many important social movements have begun with a few individuals  going out in the streets and preaching a message and listeners realising that its opponents have very little to offer. I invite Remic over here to explain his theories about "archaeologists digging holes in ancient monuments at night to discredit metal detectorists" in greater detail. I think it would be very enlightening for us all. Is he up to it?

"Brave Sir Remic, bravely ran away.... "

Surely, it is hardly "giving me oxygen" to prove me wrong on my own blog, is it? Please NCMD Representative, feel free to come here and do your job.

UPDATE 7th Feb 2014:
Well, he never did. Some "spokesman" he turns out to be.

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