Saturday 2 November 2013

"Hidden History Ltd" Reads PACHI

I have a new Twitter observer: Hidden History @HiddenHistoryuk Hidden History Metal Detectors and Accessories, #Metaldetectingdigs, #metaldetectingrallies and live dig updates every week. #metaldetectors, #metaldetecting United Kingdom · Observed by EH Heritage Crime and three others.

This dedicated metal detecting shop based in Hertfordshire U.K. (though their colourful website conceals that fact) turns out to be run by Mark Becher and David Sewell whom we have met before helping Johnny Nonnymus dig up a hoard in Sandridge (see also here for a previous business venture and here for some mistaken identity). They sell tekkie-kit so the website has some advice and encouragement for beginners and other such stuff. Unfortunately it is yet another one that uses the NCMD "Code of Conduct" rather than the one agreed with heritage organizations.  There is also a page called: "10 Reasons to start Metal Detecting" with aberrant post-English-schooling punctuation and capitalisation. According to these sellers, among the benefits of the hobby, you can make money by digging up the past from archaeological sites and assemblages and then flogging off the bits:
Some people start metal detecting as a form of extra income and a few take up full time treasure hunting. [...] Metal detecting is one of the few hobbies that can really “pay for itself” with every day finds such coins old and new, rings, jewellery, Ancient relics and even buried or hidden treasures. Hoards of coins, gold and Silver coins and valuable jewellery were all buried for safekeeping and while some of them have been discovered over the years there are still many out there just waiting to be rediscovered by you with your metal detector, and don’t forget millions of people every year flood to the beaches and coastlines and have done for many centuries, loosing (sic) items by the thousands over the years. There’s so much more still waiting to be found right beneath your feet..(Don’t Forget to Know the treasure act as it is a criminal offence to not report items of treasure)
But not the rest of it, you can dig up as much of that as you like from hundreds of thousands of unprotected sites all over the country and just fill your pockets with it all. Take what you want, it's all up for grabs.
9. Hundreds upon hundreds of treasures that have been lost and discarded can be discovered with a metal detector. The popular television show, Antique Road Show, has shown millions of people that treasures come in all shapes and sizes: coins, Old toys, lead soldiers, pens, watches, jewellery, literally anything you find might be an unexpected treasure. You could easily discover treasures in the ground almost anywhere, but if you do your research you will find even more.
and then you get a socking big reward from the public purse. Reading books can pay real dividends.
In addition artefact hunting and collecting bring other personal benefits, they are "a great stress buster” and are "good for your health". If you have problems in this area, you will make "more friends on your search for Hidden History", and you can integrate with your own family by going out and hoiking a little of the past together. You can take them on metal detecting trips near to home ("such as on the beach, In the woods or at the local park").
5. You’ll learn about your local history and about the items you find, and you will even find yourself reading books about History and the the area you’re living in. There are probably many books containing lots of historical information that goes back over 300 years or more. [...] 7. Metal detecting opens up interests in other hobbies. A large number of metal detector users have found themselves and family members becoming enthusiastic coin collectors or artefact collectors. And why not?
and why not? [I would not bother asking the PAS that question]. But you might try reading a few preservationist blogs with an open mind (PACHI, Heritage Journal, Looting Matters).

Thanks to the PAS and its praise and encouragement through extensive press coverage:
10. Metal Detecting is one of the fastest growing hobbies and has been for the last 5 years. There are numerous metal detecting clubs and groups in many towns all over the UK that welcome newcomers with open arms. These clubs regularly go metal detecting to areas that have been well researched and have a good historical background. They have get-togethers, travel to interesting places and share their knowledge & their finds information freely with fellow detectorists. If there are no clubs in your area it means you could mean you will be the first to search out all the best local search areas and gain permissions.
and all the loot, leaving none behind for those that come after us. And the eleventh of the "Ten Reasons to start Metal Detecting" is "you never get bored. It’s always exciting never knowing what you are going to find". Yeah "it could be a handful of coins, maybe a piece of gold jewellery or that beautiful diamond ring, or even a Gold Coin Like the one mentioned above " They assure the newbie that if they take up metal detecting, they will never get tired of the "variety of finds" they can make. Of course it helps to target the right kind of sites, but they also sell books to help you find productive ones.


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