Sunday 10 November 2013

Worlingwoth Rally Followup

Readers may remember the Worlingworth Local History Society's archaeology-eroding artefact hunting grabfest a month ago and their defiant attitude towards comments.  A few days ago the PAS pulled all the stops out in support of the local history group's archaeological grabfest. Suffolk FLO Andrew Brown did a favour for the artefact hunters on Wednesday 23rd October 2013 and entered four post-medieval coins, five medieval coins and four Roman coins on the database. No other objects were recorded. If you click on this link, you will find how many more finds from the rally entered the PAS database this week. The last record made on 23rd October was SF-7FF365. I asked what these "data" actually mean in the form in which we have them presented here. That question remains unanswered. 

What other objects were removed from the field in this commercial rally which have not been recorded yet? What archaeological evidence was lost due to the manner by which these objects were removed from the ground? 

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