Monday 10 March 2014

Corinium Museum launches Adopt a Roman Coin campaign

Corinium Museum in Cirencester  has launched a campaign to process a hoard of 1500 Roman coins dating from the 260s - 280s AD, locally found by a metal detectorist in 2010. "The coins, dubbed the Tetbury Hoard, were donated to the by the landowner", in fact no share of the Dig-it-All-up-Now Treasure award had to go to any greedy artefact hunter, as the landowner was searching his own property.
However, the museum now needs to raise £15,000 to cover the cost of preserving the hoard. Kevin Ronaldson, Friends of Corinium Museum chairman, hopes the Adopt a Roman Coin campaign will be successful. He said a donation of £10 will help "raise the funds needed to see the museum's first Roman coin hoard on public display". The curator of the Corinium museum Amanda Hart said they are using very modern techniques to help preserve a very ancient collection. "We're going viral with it - we are out there on Twitter and Facebook - we are hoping not just to get support from the local community, but anyone who is interested in Roman history and preserving Roman history," she said.

Sounds like a job for the ACCG. They set up a fund for just such an eventuality ('ACCG to Assist Museums in England and Wales', Coin News May 27, 2009) - perhaps they should now send it.  Then there is the matter of publication.

BBC, 'Corinium Museum launches Adopt a Roman Coin campaign', 9th March 2014.

Vignette: Adopt a Roman coin. 

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