Tuesday 11 March 2014

UK's Metal Detectorists Discover the Landowner Guidelines

What a laugh, metal detectorists on a forum near you seem only now to be becoming aware that the PAS issued guidelines on: "Metal-detecting, Field-walking and Searching for Archaeological Objects: guidance for landowners, occupiers and tenant farmers in England and Wales". I posted a reminder of it on my blog yesterday, and what do we find? Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:01 pm : Landowners advice from PAS re detecting posted by Liam Nolan (who of course will deny that he reads my blog still less that he was reminded of the text by me). His excuse is:
Makes interesting reading, dated 2010 but many things don't change, some good guidelines to help members better understand the landowners perspectives.
Which immediately tells you the bloke himself did not read it.  So I guess responsible metal detectorists knocking at farmhouse doors all over the country for search permissions have not exactly been keen to propagate this information among their contacts in the farming world if many of them do not even know the document exists and what it contains?   The story of the creation of that document (which began in 2005) is a telling tale indeed, and reveals why not. More on this elsewhere at a later date. 

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