Wednesday 26 October 2016

IAPN and PNG Require leave to Launder loot

IAPN dealer Lustig Wunsch
just itching to get his
hands on those coins
In the US, in their comments to the CPAC, the 'International Association of Professional (sic) Coin Dealers' and the 'Professional (sic) Coin Dealers Guild' alleging a conspiracy to create a 'rigged' system, both urge that in the application of the CCPIA by the US:
"Such restrictions should be limited to coins actually found in Cyprus". 
So all the IAPN and PNG dealers have to do is throw away or otherwise lose any documentation of their coins which links them with anything further back than the last owner/seller making that impossible to prove for any of them. In other words what most of them probably already do. Throwing away or otherwise losing the documentation is not the answer to Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property or the implementation of any Act (worthy of the name) to implement it. It seems to me that it is these two dealers associations that want desperately to rig the system. Shameful show.

It seems to me that in the light of their position on this, all respectable dealers of antiquities and ancient coins should immediately boycott these two associations and their disgraceful tactics, let the IAPN and PNG continue to represent the interests of those dealers unworried by the prospect of buying from the looters, smugglers and other criminals. Let the decent dealers form another one to reflect the interests of the truly legitimate trade and differentiate themselves from the Wild West cowboys of the antiquities trade and their weasel words. 

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