Friday 31 May 2024

Questions About a Pay-to-dig Commercial Rally in England

Steven Morris, Detectorist unearths Bronze Age hoard after getting lost on treasure hunt Guardian Thu 30 May 2024 

Belgrave [...]  paid £20 to go on the rally on private farmland but became separated from the group. Belgrave said: “There was a group of between 40-50 detectorists there ...

So this unnamed landowner got 800-1000 quid to let these people on his land and walk off with whatever they found that was not reportable as Treasure. What archaeological information was lost? This is just one of many commercial pay-to-dig rallies that are held up and dpown the country to serve Britain's 40k acquisitive artefact hunters. How sustainable is this activity? 


  1. When I was a Jesuit-raised poor lost soul, I believed that a 1st-century itinerant Jewish rabbi named Yahweh-bar-Joseph was my savior. I no longer believe that, as I no longer believe modern-day claims regarding archeological destruction perpetrated by metal detectorists is valid. Provide proof, give me evidence..

  2. My dear fellow, why do you not, once in your life go out, dig, and produce evidence to sustain your claims that your discoveries trump those of the detectorists?
    You sad, frustrated, individual, I love it, engaging with the dearly departed is such fun...

  3. Why don't you get a life "Dr Shephard" (if that is your real name)?

    I really do not see ANY relevance in your disrespectful, insensitive and offensive- because blasphemous first comment. This onece again shows not only a lack in your Kinderstube, but also in general knowledge. I suggest looking up HaShem [השם] and considering not further exposing your ignorance. Saviour has a 'u' in it.

    "I no longer believe modern-day claims regarding archeological destruction perpetrated by metal detectorists is valid". Well, that's because you are an ignorant mouthy oaf who apparently knows nothing much about anything much. It's not my role to educate you in environmental issues where the "Jesuits" couldn't. Ask for help in the UK.

  4. It appears as if the 'old chap' is demonstrating age related cognitive decline.

    Besdides listing his spurious 'beliefs',past and present, the old boy seems to have forgotten his challenge from a couple of weeks ago;
    'Well, Paul, I, and Mr. Rushton would be prepared to meet with you at any location you prefer, to discuss the merits, or otherwise of metal detecting, do you agree to such a meet?'.

    Note to PB; It appears De WS has gone all Trump-like beyond the use of the verb. Could you confirm whether you've ever claimed 'that your discoveries trump those of the detectorists'?
    Besides which is 'it' ever about the number of 'discoveries' or is 'it' about the application of a method and the quality, range and relevance of information (knowledge) attained.

  5. yes, this is all very odd. The man is increasingly self-engrossed and deluded, like (as you say) Donald Trump. One gets the feeling that - like most metal detectorists - he is mmore concerned with self-aggrandisation than contributing anything substantive.
