Sunday 30 June 2024

Metal detectorist to sell ‘Nobby’ the fertility figure he found in a field


My Mum told me about this one, she thinks I should be nicer to metal detectorists (Sam Russel 'Metal detectorist to sell ‘Nobby’ the fertility figure
he found in a field
" Standard `13 Jun 2024):
Retired lorry driver Bob Jemmett found the bronze figure, which measures 37mm by 10mm, in a ploughed field in Little Chishill, Cambridgeshire. The 75-year-old, of Manningtree, Essex, was at an organised rally when he made the discovery in September 2018. [...] Mr Jemmett said: “The weather was appalling with the rain lashing down, but I persevered and received a lovely signal from my Minelab 3030 detector. “Digging down four inches, I uncovered a small, bronze, nude, male figure, which featured a prominent erection similar to the Cerne   Abbas Giant, that is carved into a hill in Dorset. “The figure was identified as a Celtic fertility figure and published on the Portable Antiquities website and subsequently used as a logo by the rally organisers in their promotions. “As a result, detectorists from all over Europe at rallies would ask me if they could see Nobby who I always keep in my pocket as a constant companion”.
Sold at Noonans for £3,000. So the landowner will be getting half then? Of course "not in it for the money, eh".

1 comment:

  1. “As a result, detectorists from all over Europe at rallies would ask me if they could see Nobby who I always keep in my pocket as a constant companion" Until he decided the fondling/adoration didn't add up to three grand?

    'From all over Europe'- makes one wonder just how many treasure tourists we get from the Eu and how many objects leave without record.
