With reference to the title of my blog, this one is not so much a "portable antiquity issue" though there are indeed "heritage issues" connected with it. This photo is part of a complex of monuments which extends over many kilkometres square, though part of it is damaged by modern activity. There has recently been some discussion over the best means to preserve it. This complex is not only well known for its exceptional archaeology, but also the various speculative pseudo-scientific notions part of it attracts.
[Since it is a complex of features which may have accrued over many centuries, and not all of them have been properly dated by investigation yet, the date can be expressed vaguely as a general period or periods].
The area in the photo is about 1.3 km across.
One other thing, although the site can be determined without, to get the view seen here, you do need to use one of the newer features of Google Earth...
Sorry the photo is a bit dull and lacking contrast, that's how it came out. I'll try and put a better version up a bit later, though I am expecting it to be solved quite quickly.

The Rules of When on Google Earth are as follows:
Q: What is When on Google Earth?
A: It’s a game for archaeologists, or anybody else willing to have a go!
Q: How do you play it?
A: Simple, you try to identify the site in the picture.
Q: Who wins?
A: The first person to correctly identify the site, including its major period of occupation, wins the game.
Q: What does the winner get?
A: The winner gets bragging rights and the chance to host the next When on Google Earth on his/her own blog!
Previous winners are given on the table on WOGE 21... Being blog-illiterate, I could not copy it here.
Is it part of the Cursus, Wiltshire - East end with barrow groups ?
It is indeed. Well, except its the west end, but I think we can accept that. I was expecting at least one "Nazca" or something - but you were too quick. There's the Stonehenge Carpark and the edge of Stonehenge on the left - I was half hoping we'd have a merry chase round the houses before the participants realised.
Well done Geoff. But before we hand WOGE over to you, you have to FIRST (the rules say) tell us what date it is.
The photo is the October 2003 layer which has that brownish toning that I was hoping might prevent you from realising its the green green grass of England that is shown here.
Dang it! The brown color had me looking at the mounds on the Pacific coast of Guatemala, then I spent about half an hour looking in Wiltshire! I guess I would have had more luck if I had looked closer to Stonehenge.
Sorry, it is Neolithic, (c. 3500 BC) - I got so excited that I recognised something at last - I quite forgot the rules.
A gentle reminder: it helps players to follow WOGE from one blog to the next if you place a link to a new challenge on the blog of the one you have just solved. I've only just discovered WOGE 23, I was waiting for a link to appear on Chuck's page for WOGE 22.
Oh, I'm really sorry Heather (and anyone else) I thought I had - I had a hectic week and seem to have slipped up.
Geoff Carter will no doubt be posting his up soon.
No worries - wouldn't have got this one anyway!
Oh come on... Stonehenge happens to be one of the most famous, instantly recognisable archaeological sites in the whole world. I admit I was hoping to have a little fun with a slightly mischievious way of showing it, and I'd have a few people guessing for a while and produce a few smiles - but Geoff immediately saw through my trickery. Drat !
Come on Geoff, where's yours?
Hey, wait-a-second... Heather, there IS a link to my WOGE over on Chuck's blog posted April 23rd:
When on Google Earth 24 is now posted at:
Good luck all
Paul - sincere apologies, I can see your link now and it is clearly dated 24th. But there does seems to have been a delay in it's appearing because I did check several times since Thursday and I am only now able to see it for the first time. Seems to be some technical blip ...
I could well believe I had forgotten, but was relieved to see I'd not. I suspect the moderator was just away from his computer for a while and the link did not go up straight away. Perhaps they have weather there like we have now...
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