Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Artefact Dealer Pleads Guilty

Colorado antiquities dealer Robert B. Knowlton accused of illegally selling American Indian relics to two misdemeanors in the Operation Cerberus sting operation pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Denver on Tuesday. He reportedly admitted he sold a “cloud blower” pipe from BLM land near Blanding for 750 dollars , and mailed it to a buyer in Kamas in July 2008. Sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 19, but nobodyy is now under any illusions that the pubnishement will be as symbolic as the rest. Knowlton was initially indicted in August 2009 on five felony counts for allegedly selling looted Indian antiquities worth $6,750 to the operative and shipping the items from Colorado to Utah, but these cases were being contested on learning of the death of the witness Ted Gardiner (here and here).

Pamela Manson, Colorado man pleads guilty in artifacts case, Salt Lake Tribune 17 August 2010.

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