Wednesday 1 May 2013

Farmer Brown Seems Unaware of PAS "Outreach"

I can only assume that a recent tweet from can only be seen in relation to Heritage Action's latest from their guest writer for farming matters, Farmer Brown. ("Farmer Brown on why Somerset landowners should beware of history locusts!"). The Portable Antiquities Scheme's Mr Pett complains (29th April):
Not many people in archaeology seem aware of guidance for landowners issued in 2010
But then the 15 million quid question is whether more than a handful of landowners are aware of the PAS "Guidance for landowners, occupiers and tenant farmers in England and Wales"? What kind of "outreach" is it if they are not?

 But then, what kind of archaeological outreach is it providing anyway? I am sure it is very helpful to cap-in-hand "partner" artefact collectors to have a document setting out the alleged "benefits" to them of letting artefact hoikers onto their land, where is the corresponding section out lining the archaeological issues of doing so? Complete;ly absent, that's where it is. With whom (apart from the NCMD on a number of occasions) was this consulted?

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