Wednesday 4 September 2013

UNESCO Reminds About Warsaw

UNESCO's Twitter feed has a question for you all:
  1 h
Did you know? shows a near-total reconstruction of span of history from 13 to 20th centuries
The text they link to though is not-quite-true.... a bit of myth-making there, which still does not detract from the utter barbarism of the house-by-house deliberate demolition and the reconstruction at great cost to a War-torn country in the throes of other problems. As it happens yesterday I finished my part of work on a monograph that will be coming out later on this year (?) on the history of archaeological and architectural studies mainly as part of this post-War reconstruction, it's a complicated story which has yet to be fully told. Anyway, that's out of the way (till proof-reading) and I can get on with writing a big text about metal detecting in the UK. Hooray, eh?

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