A blog commenting on various aspects of the private collecting and trade in archaeological artefacts today and their effect on the archaeological record.
Thursday, 26 December 2019
Kent FLO Reacts to Helpful Comment from Member of his Public
David Knell reports that he was a trifle surprised to see the Kent FLO's
response to a comment he had made on Twitter other day (PAS: Just nod meekly or you're blocked , Ancient Heritage blog 26th Dec 2019). This all relates to the Kent FLO insisting when I corrected him that there is such a construction "its' " [meaning "of it"] though admitting that despite the occupation he chose, he still has a 'specific learning difficulty' which is supposed to justify it all. David tells the story in his blog post. Now I think somebody employed as a public educator ought to be able to work out the difference, of if he's not sure look it up just a mouse-click way (as here Business Writing Talk, tips, and best picks for writers on the job. Its? It's? Or Its'?: note right at the top "....its' is never correct"). So when Barford the copy-editor, Knell the copy editor tell him it's wrong and Petts assumes it's mistyping, perhaps the Kent FLO might consider that arrogance is not a suitable response:
Whoa! A trifle touchy? If the representative of an organisation seeking 'outreach' to the public is so averse even to someone politely trying to settle a minor point about grammar, I can only imagine what the reaction would be if another member of the public had the audacity to question his attribution of a find. Something like this perhaps?Kent FLO: Heard about this fantastic #AngloSaxon #Treasure?Fred Bloggs: I believe the artefact actually dates from the Roman period.Kent FLO: You're BLOCKED! You can't follow or see my Tweets any longer!
British archaeologist living and working in Warsaw, Poland. Since the early 1990s (or even longer) a primary interest has been research on artefact hunting and collecting and the market in portable antiquities in the international context and their effect on the archaeological record.
"coiney" - a term I use for private collector of dug up ancient coins, particularly a member of the Moneta-L forum or the ACCG
"heap-of-artefacts-on-a-table-collecting" the term rather speaks for itself, an accumulation of loose artefacts with no attempt to link each item with documented origins. Most often used to refer to metal detectorists (ice-cream tubs-full) and ancient coin collectors (Roman coins sold in aggregated bulk lots)
"tekkie" - metal detectorist/metal detecting (a form of artefact hunting)
CDE - Collection-Driven Exploitation of archaeological sites
CPAC - Cultural Property Advisory Committee [US]
FLO - Finds Liaison Officer (post in the PAS)
HER - Historic Environment Record [UK]
IAPN - International Association of Professional Numismatists
MENA - Middle East and North Africa
PAS - Portable Antiquities Scheme
PNG - Professional Numismatists' Guild
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO 1970 Convention - Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
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