Friday 13 March 2020

Virus 'could cost millions of tourism jobs'

global tourism
Virus 'could cost millions of tourism jobs' BBC 13 March 2020
The global coronavirus outbreak means millions of travel and tourism jobs are at risk, says a leading industry body. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) says up to 50 million jobs could be lost because of the pandemic. Its chief executive, Gloria Guevara, said the outbreak "presents a significant threat to the industry". The news comes after thousands of international flights were cancelled and some insurance firms suspended travel cover for new customers. New figures from the WTTC suggest that the travel sector could shrink by up to 25% in 2020. 
 This means that all the arguments for protection of cultural heritage that are predicated on the value of the latter in attracting the tourist trade to a region (and thus creating jobs) crumble.

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