Sunday, 23 March 2025

Pyramid Pseudoscientific Mumbo-Jumbo

'Controversial study claims massive structures discovered under pyramids in Egypt' Egypt Independent March 23, 2025
A new study on the Egyptian pyramids has caused a stir worldwide, after researchers from Italy and Scotland claimed that there is a “huge underground city” extending over 6,500 feet beneath Giza pyramids – ten times larger than the pyramids themselves. This claim is based on the use of pulse radar devices by experts to create high-resolution images deep underground beneath the structures, in the same way that sonar radar is used to map the depths of the oceans. The study, which has not been reviewed by independent experts, revealed the presence of eight vertical cylindrical structures extending over 2,100 feet beneath the pyramid, in addition to additional unknown structures at a depth of 4,000 feet. A press release described the findings as “groundbreaking,” and if proven true, could rewrite the history of ancient Egypt.
Trouble is, it's all bollocks. The first thing that comes to mind is the massive weight of the Pyramids, and one asks oneself, if anyone of sound mind would first dig out massive cavities below the site where they are going to build this thing? Second question, although they don't give much in the way of dimensions, the volume of limestone chips and fragments that would have had to be quarried out to cut such chambers is massive. So where are the dumps of this material, and why have they never been found? Thirdly not very far away from the place where these shafts are supposed to be (and under the Khafre causeway) is the so-called Tomb of Osiris (Shaft of Osiris), the lower level of which is water-filled due to the proximity of the water table to the ground surface here. Fourthly, there are the technical aspects of remote sensing (from a satellite) no less right through the pyramid over them. I call it a scam. I am not alone: 
independent experts have raised serious concerns about the study [...] Egyptologist and former Director General of the Giza Pyramids Area, Hussein Abdel-Basir, stated that this study lacks the most basic standards of proper scientific research. He added that any genuine scientific discovery in the field of archaeology must first be published in a reliable scientific journal after careful peer review. Abdel-Basir continued, “What happened here was merely a press conference and press release, without a scientific paper published in any respectable journal, and without an official announcement from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities or the Supreme Council of Antiquities.” He said that geophysical techniques such as GPRs or seismic analysis can only survey limited depths, not exceeding tens of meters in the best of circumstances. The claim of the existence of huge structures at a depth of 2,000 feet (600 meters) is science fiction and not based on any reality, Abdel-Basir stressed. He also noted that one of the people making this claim, Corrado Malanga, is a well-known researcher in unidentified flying objects and has previously appeared on programs about aliens. Abdel-Basir added, “When this approach is introduced into archaeological research, it transforms from scientific research into the promotion of conspiracy theories and populism that do not serve the truth.”

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