Wednesday 12 March 2014

Challenging the NGA's Excuses: The Return of the Dancer

We were all a bit shocked when Ron Radford, the director of the National Gallery of Australia in a recent interview tried to slither out of institutional responsibility for buying a Nataraja which everybody but him feels is the one stolen from Sripuranthan in Tamil Nadu. Some of us fumed, but "Poetry in Stone" made a video, "The Return of the Dancer: The Saga of the Looted Sripuranthan Nataraja currently exhibited in the National Gallery of Australia".

Posted on You Tube by Poetryinstone, 11 mar 2014

Well, make your own mind up. I'm sure they are the same. But look at the difference a nice patina job can do. It seems that Mr Kapoor's restorer touched up a few dings in the surface before wiping the green-making stuff all over it. If that is all done with chemicals unaided by acrylic paint with matting agent, the new patina is good. The restorer knows his craft, he should not be so coy about advertising his handiwork.

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