Tuesday 2 March 2010

New Heritage Issues Blog

Issues connected with the commercial exploitation of the archaeological resource are becoming more popular as a subject for blogs. Yet another new blog has appeared which once again illustrates the point that opponents of antiquity theft are not just archaeologists. Its author, Unal Basusta lives in Antalya Turkey, and says he is a journalist, writer and (like Wayne Sayles) a retired aviator. He has called his blog containing news items about the antiquities trade "Heritage Thieves". Mr Basusta also has several other blogs, including two with archaeological themes: Archaeologic discoveries and Anatolian Treasures. The latter currently has a text on the Lydian Hoard.


Mark said...

Add to the list a postgrad at UCL's IoA's blog www.culturinperil.blogspot.com

Paul Barford said...

I could not get the link to open from the address you gave, but found it in the end, thanks.

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