Thursday 2 May 2013

National Gallery of Australia Denies Receiving Shiva Information Request

Michaela Boland, 'Shiva request not passed on to gallery', The Australian May 02, 2013
 "An international investigation into whether a 900-year-old Indian artefact at the National Gallery of Australia was looted appears to have hit gridlock. Indian investigators claim their formal request for information about a 1.3m tall statue of Shiva that they suspect was looted from India are being ignored. Gallery staff say no request for co-operation has been received". 
Well, that's odd, isn't it? A few weeks ago they said they were looking into it, now they say they've no knowledge that anyone wants to know something about what they know about where it came from and how it came on the market. Given the circumstances that looks rather fishy. According to the website "Purchased with the assistance of the National Gallery of Australia Foundation 2008 Accession No: NGA 2008.1". See also Michaela Boland, 'Song and dance of Shiva', The Australian, September 11, 2012.

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