Monday 3 June 2013

Antiquity Trafficker Arrested in Peshawar

Peshawar police searched a Hiace van travelling to Islamabad from Peshawar ('near an Afghan colony on the Charsadda road') and recovered  29  antiquities described as "Gandharan". According to police, these artefacts had been smuggled from Afghanistan. The haul included a statue of Buddha,"precious stones and other artifacts inscribed with Persian poetry". Police arrested the van driver named Farhad who confessed that he was taking the objects to "Bara Koh", an area of Islamabad.

 'Peshawar Police recover 29 Gandharan antiquities', Ary News,

Here, just for general interest, is an interesting time-lapse video of the road from Peshawar to Islamabad on which this seizure was made.

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